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Natural Gas Benefits

Natural gas is a clean, domestically produced alternative transportation fuel.  Using natural gas to power vehicles is better for the environment, less expensive than other transportation fuels, reduces vehicle life cycle expenses, lowers emissions, and increases national energy security.  Using renewable natural gas provides even more benefits.

Less Expensive

The rising cost of gasoline and diesel is making CNG a more attractive alternative fuel.  It costs 40% to 50% less than gasoline on a per gasoline gallon equivalent basis.  Because CNG is a clean-burning fuel, resulting in minimal engine wear, NGV owners also benefit from lower operating costs due to reduced engine maintenance requirements.  Since CNG does not contaminate and dilute the crankcase oil, intervals between oil changes for NGVs are greatly drawn-out, depending on how the vehicle is used.

NGV owners are also eligible to receive a variety of federal and state tax benefits. 

Better for the Environment

CNG burns much cleaner than gasoline and diesel.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency, CNG can reduce carbon-monoxide emissions by 90% to 97% and nitrogen-oxide emissions by 35% to 60% when compared with gasoline.  CNG can also potentially reduce non-methane hydrocarbon emissions by 50% to 75%, while producing fewer carcinogenic pollutants and little or no particulate matter.


As proven by government and independent tests, CNG is safer than gasoline and diesel.  CNG storage tanks are stronger and safer than gasoline or diesel fuel tanks reducing the likelihood of an accidental fuel release.  If released, natural gas is lighter than air and will dissipate quickly into the atmosphere instead of forming pools on the ground.  Due to its narrow flammability range, natural gas will not burn in air concentrations that are below 5% and above 15%.  Finally, natural gas is non-toxic and non-corrosive and does not pose a risk of water or ground contamination.

National Energy Independence

Every day the United States sends about $1.7 billion to foreign countries for their oil.  These dollars going out of the United States add to our trade deficit and weaken our economy.  About 98% of the natural gas we use comes from North America.  Conversely, 70% of the oil we use is imported.  Every gallon equivalent of natural gas used in vehicles is one less gallon of petroleum that has to be imported.  By using domestic natural gas, we strengthen both our nation’s economy and energy security -- keeping jobs and our money at home.